Complete this brief questionnaire to generate an estimate of your solar generation potential, ongoing utility costs and estimated payback period for a rooftop solar system. Before making a decision, contact your local EMC. As your trusted energy advisor, we can help you make smart energy investments. Note, all residential solar require a one-time $125 interconnection fee.
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Is Amicalola EMC your electric provider?
What are your main goals for adding rooftop solar to your home? Select all that apply.
Do you own your home?
How old is your roof?
0 to 5 Years
6 to 10 Years
11 to 15 Years
16+ Years
I don't know
Does your roof face south?
Tell us which direction your roof faces so we can estimate how efficient your solar panels may be.
South Facing (No Loss)
East or West Facing (15% Loss)
SE or SW Facing (5% Loss)
Don't know (Assumed 5% Loss)
Is your roof shaded by trees or nearby structures?
Is your roof shaded during parts of the day? This includes trees, other portions of your house, such as dormeys or chimneys, and terrain (hills).
No Shade (No Loss)
Some Shade (25% Loss)
Major Shade (50% Loss)
Don't know (Assumed 25% Loss)
What is your average electricity bill?
Select your average electricity bill for the summer and winter months.
This will help estimate how much electricity your rooftop solar system will need to generate across seasons.
Average Summer Bill
Average Winter Bill
Note: Your electric bill includes a variety of charges, including a base charge and a per kilowatt-hour charge that varies based on your electricity usage. When you install a rooftop solar system, you will still be required to pay your monthly base charge, in addition to any charges for electricity when solar is not available. Other fees may also apply – contact us to learn more.
Estimated Results*
Revise previous AnswersClose Questions
These results are estimates based on your answers to the questionnaire and include various assumptions. Your new electric bill and estimated savings may vary. You can also experiment with different system sizes to see how your results may change. Estimated system prices can also be adjusted to incorporate quotes you may have received from solar installers.
Solar systems installed in 2020 and 2021 are eligible for a 26% federal tax credit. Installations between 2022-2032 are eligible for a 30% tax credit. Tax credits are dependent on your personal tax situation. Be sure to consult a tax specialist to determine if you qualify. Learn more.
Configure and Compare System
2 kW
3 kW
4 kW
5 kW
6 kW
7 kW
8 kW
9 kW
Reset Prices
After Credit
Est. Annual Savings
ROI Years Payback: (Cash/Loan)
† With battery est. cost at $800/kWh
Estimated annual electric bill without solar
Estimated new annual electric bill with solar
Estimated annual electric bill change
Estimated payback time for a kW system
To learn more about a rooftop solar installation or the projections in your analysis, contact your local EMC. Your EMC is here to help you make the best decision with the right information when considering a rooftop solar system.
Electricity Production and Usage Overview
A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a measurement of your electricity usage. Note: While the electricity you purchase may decrease, you will still be provided with electricity at night and on cloudy days.
Year-over-Year Bill Comparison
While your estimated results may include considerable monthly electric bill savings,
it is important to remember that the upfront cost of solar equipment and installation is significant,
whether purchased with cash or financed through a loan.
Note: These results can be adjusted to estimate future inflation scenarios using the input field below (Est. Annual Electricity Price Increase).
Click to ExpandCollapse
Est. Annual Electricity Price Increase (%)
With Loan:
Down Pmt.
Loan Principal
APR (%)
Tax Credit
Term (Years)
Loan Yearly
With Lease:
Initial Fees
Monthly Rental Rate
Est. Annual Lease Increase
Approx. Panel End-of-Life Window
This represents the cumulative payback of your initial investment over time. This does not include any estimated repair or maintenance costs.
Approx. year when your initial investment has been recaptured
NOTE: If there is no payback year defined for the Lease option, then assume the lease option is never more cost-effective.
NOTE: You may need to check the box for "Background Colors" under "More Settings" in the browser print dialog to display cell colors.
Printable Details
To learn more about a rooftop solar installation or the projections in your analysis, contact your local EMC. Your EMC is here to help you make the best decision with the right information when considering a rooftop solar system.
Click to ExpandCollapse
Member of Amicalola EMC
Own home
Age of roof
Roof direction
Shade and Obstructions
Estimated summer bill
Estimated winter bill
Estimated Current Annual Electric Bill Assumptions
Service charges (annual base charges)
Electricity charges by kWh consumption
Estimated annual electric bill without solar
Estimated annual kWh needed to power your home
Rooftop Solar System Size and Estimated Production
System Size
Battery Storage
Estimated system cost
Estimated annual solar kWh production
Daytime kWh purchase
Dark hours kWh purchase
Estimated annual kWh needed to power your home
Electric provider kWh rate
Cost of electricity purchased from electric provider
Solar metering type
Excess solar electricity in kWh that can be sent back to your provider
kWh sell-back/credit rate
Estimated value of excess solar electricity sold/credited
Estimated annual electric bill without solar
Estimated new annual electric bill with solar
Estimated annual electric bill change
Estimated Payback Period with Various Financing Options
Cash Total and Payback Period
Loan Total and Payback Period
Lease: see Year-over-Year Bill Comparison section for details
Assumes 0% estimated annual electricity cost increase over time
Please enter the following details to request more information from your electric cooperative.
We value your privacy and your information will not be shared with any third parties.
Email Address
Phone Number
Installation Address
Please answer the following: twelve minus one equals?
*Disclaimer: This tool is only intended to provide an estimate of how a solar installation may impact your utility bill. Actual results will vary. Users may not realize similar energy production or bill reductions. Data is subject to change without notice. This electricity bill calculation is only an estimate and may not include all applicable fees and taxes. Electricity rates change periodically. We do not warrant or represent that this data is accurate. In no event shall the cooperative or its suppliers be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to claims associated with the accuracy of this data or information. Get additional estimates before making a decision to purchase a solar system. We do not recommend or endorse any solar or roofing installation contractors. Be sure to get multiple quotes, check references and ask for licensing and insurance information when engaging with a contractor. The default estimated payback time does not include incentives, including state and federal tax rebates.